Question & Answer 


જે જે દંડવત પ્રણામ, દેવ દ્રવ્ય એટલે શું?

Answer :  

જે દ્રવ્ય દેવને દાનરૂપે આપવામા આવે, ઍટલેકે હવે આ મારૂનહી (ઇદં ન મમ)તે દ્રવ્ય; દેવદ્રવ્ય કહેવાય.

તેનો ઉપભોગ પાછો આપણેપ્રસાદ તરીકે પણ કરીશકીઍ નહી.


Shree vallabhadhish ki jay!! Shree giriraj charan ki jay!! Shree gunsaiji param dayal ki jay!!


My question is related to ananyata...

Shree maha prabhu ji has shown that we should have "ananyata" in aap shree n thakorji n should not surrender to other god n goddies as all is there in shree ji... But I m confused that does it a applicable to guru ghare too???

Means,if I m going to one guru ghare which is asakti ghare different than brahmsambhandh guru ghare,then is it wrong ?? I have heard that if u go to one guru that then u should not go to another... What is correct as per our pustu marg???

Please help me to solve this confusion. N please show the right path

Answer :  


You have asked a nice question. Let me answer the question in steps.

(1) First of all we must understand and accept very clearly that - Shri Vallabhacharyaji is the only Guru of every Pushtimargiy. Therefore it is quite obvious that GURUTV in modern GURU is not independent

(2) Our brahmsambandh is accomplished by the grace of shri Vallabh only. Our guru is a mediator.

(3) Every vaishnav must follow the path shown by shri Vallabh. if possible with the help of dikshadata guru or any other guru or learned vaishnav.

(4) So principally there is no such thing as one should not go to any other pushtimargiy guru or vaishnav for inspiration or knowledge to follow the path of Pushti.

(5) But in practice if one feels more inspired by particular person whether Dikshadata guru or any other Guru. he/she can approach him more and benefited with his knowledge.

(6) But simple thing is that - whatever we do; our focus should be on becoming a devoted and true follower of shri vallabhacharyaji.


- Goswami ShriPiyushbavshri.


श्री गिरिराजजी की दण्डवती परिकर्मा करनी चाहिए की नही?

Answer :  

पुष्टिमार्गीय मुख्य साधना घर मे रहकर भगवत सेवा / कथा के रूप मे उपदिष्ट है. कभी कभी तीर्थ मे जा कर भक्ति भाव वर्धन किया जाता है. व्रज यात्रा के द्वारा वैष्णव प्रभु की लीला स्थली मे जाकर भगवद् लीलाओ का अनुभव करता है. प्रभु की लीला मे श्रीगिरिराजजी का अत्यन्त महत्व है. श्रीगिरिराजजी भगवद् स्वरूप भी है. परिक्रमा के द्वारा प्रभु के स्वरूप एवम् लीलाओ का तथा श्रीवल्लभ की लीलाओ का ह्रदय मे स्थापन हो यह प्रयोजन है. अत: परिक्रमा करते समय भगवद् गुणानुवाद होते रहे यह आवश्यक है.

आधुनिक समय मे सर्वत्र ही प्रदूषण एवम् धर्म का व्यापारीकरण अधिक है, व्रज क्षेत्र भी इससे अछूता नही है. श्रीयमुनाज़ी मे प्रदूषण है, श्रीगिरिराजजी पर अतिक्रमण होता जा रहा है. मनुष्य के मन एवम् देह की स्थिति भी शिथिल है. सामान्य परिक्रमा भी हम भक्ति भाव से कर सके तो बड़ी बात है. उसमे भी किसे कितना समय लगा उसकी चर्चा अधिक होती है. उचित यह है की हम यथासंभव भक्ति भाव से श्रीगिरिराजजी की परिक्रमा करे एवम् हमसे वहा प्रदूषण न हो इसका ध्यान रखे. श्रीगिरिराजजी एवम् श्रीयमुनाज़ी को दूध न चढ़ाए. सन्मुख बैठ कर पाठ करे.

वैसे भी पुष्टिमार्ग की साधना सरल एवं मधुर साधना है. अधिक कष्ट वाला कर्म सहज पुष्टिमार्गीय कार्य नही है. अत: दंडवती परिक्रमा का कोई औचित्य नही है. व्यक्ति विशेष का भाव तो वो स्वयं जाने परन्तु सामान्य पुष्टि सन्दर्भ में कहा जा सकता है कि -  सूर व्है के काहे घिघियात है कछु भगवल्लीला गा....


Which path we are following? shudhdha pushti bhakti marg or Haveli marg? What should we do exactly?

Answer :  

The dictionary meaning of Haveli is A big residential building.  Initially in Pushtimarg  as well; the meaning of Haveli was aacharygrah (The residence of aacharya). But lately the term haveli became associated with pushtimargiy temple ( which is not accepted in pushti siddhant). As per Pushtimargiy tenets and traditions;  performing pushtimargiy shri krishna seva is a personal obligation.  Collectively  satsang can be performed, But seva has to be performed in very peaceful and familiar atmosphere.  A pushtimargiy devotee with the help of devoted family members performs seva.

So again coming  to the point -  The path shown by Shri Vallabh is Pushtibhaktimarg.  Haveli is aacharygrah. aacharyagrah is  residence  of pustimargiy aacharya. The duty of aacharya is to propagate the tenets of Shri Vallabhacharyaji.  So if we feel we are getting the inspiration and knowledge of pushtimarg  in the Holy association of our guru than we should visit Aacharygrah as per convenience .  

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